Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chapter 4

            Jaw set, black carry-all bag tucked under my arm, I strode into the Oval Office. The President looked up from his gleaming desk, unveiled that famous smile, and stood to greet me. Behind him was a broad mullioned bay window, framing the beautifully landscaped gardens and lawns of the presidential mansion. We shook hands in the middle of that historic room, standing on a Great Seal of the United States woven into the lush navy blue carpet.
            That’s the way it’s supposed to happen, isn’t it? Well, it didn’t. I didn’t even get inside the White House. Devereaux cleared me through the Secret Service checkpoint and, his hand firmly guiding my elbow, spirited me into the Executive Office Building, that baroque old structure alongside the White House. We went down several stories in a creaky old elevator. Down to the sub-basement, of all places. I expected to be introduced to the janitor…
            Before long I was shepherded into a rather ordinary conference room. Around the glossy mahogany table sat an array of anonymous suits and uniforms, male and female. They studied me appraisingly. I could have sworn one of the female bureaucrats was giving me the eye; I felt uncomfortable as she licked her lips ever so slowly. The men, on the other hand, were all business – stone-faced, actually.
            At the end of the table sat a political appointee I recognized: National Security Advisor Avery Pollack. His gray, roundish face swiveled toward me as I was ushered to the seat nearest him. Stars of perspiration twinkled on his impressive, hairless dome. He didn’t look too happy.
            I took my seat. Devereaux sat behind me in one of the chairs that lined the wall, reserved apparently for lesser beings. I wasn’t introduced to anyone. It was as if I had just returned from a bathroom break. After a long silence, Pollack cleared his throat and spoke. All eyes swung toward him, in a well-practiced movement.
            “Dr. Goddard, we appreciate your taking the time to join us. I regret we did not have time to brief you in advance. We’re dealing with sensitive national security matters known to only a handful of cleared individuals, and none of them could be spared at this time.”
            I nodded and said: “That’s all right, Dr. Pollack. I’m sure you and your colleagues will enlighten me. It must be important for you to have to interrupt my morning jog.”
            He stared at me without comprehension. The room was dead silent. It was as if I’d broken wind in church.
            “Just kidding,” I stammered. “Sorry.”
            He almost smiled, but apparently his face wouldn’t move that way.
            “That’s quite all right. Nothing wrong with a bit of levity. But we’re engaged in a very serious matter. Major Dunning of my staff will now give you a short briefing, and then we’ll discuss your possible role in all of this. Major?”
            A heavyset Air Force officer at the other end of the table stood up and walked to a podium in the corner. He pressed a button and a screen descended, covering the far wall. He then launched into a PowerPoint slide presentation that went something like this (but longer, and with pictures):

            Thank you, Dr. Pollack. Welcome, Dr. Goddard.
            Since shortly after World War Two, the U.S. Government has been conducting unpublicized but quite detailed investigations of the phenomenon popularly known as UFOs – Unidentified Flying Objects. It took us about thirty years to determine that this phenomenon is real, and is indeed evidence of intelligent life. However, we do not believe that UFOs originate from outer space. We now are fairly certain that all manifestations of so-called UFOs – spacecraft in the sky, alien visitations, abductions and the like – represent activities by another species on this planet, a species as old as, if not older than, Homo sapiens
            Reputable psychoanalysts, including some in the Government’s employ, have extensively interviewed “contactees” – persons who claim to have seen or interacted with “aliens.” These include people who insist they have been abducted by aliens and taken to “mother ships” or even distant planets. They also include people who say they have been subjected to experimentation by these creatures, of a biological or even sexual nature. The psychoanalysts who have studied these subjects are for the most part convinced that the contactees are sincere in their accounts. These accounts are also remarkably similar in their details.
            The only problem was, we couldn’t come up with any hard evidence that these aliens came from the depths of space. For years we have been scanning our solar system and beyond for the slightest indication of intelligence – any non-random, directed activity. We’ve come up with nothing. The so-called UFOs and their operators have never been spotted outside the envelope of Earth’s atmosphere – despite the occasional accounts of lunar spacecraft sightings, faces on Mars, and the like, all of which have been seriously investigated, unbeknownst to the American public…
It was only a few years ago that Government investigators began noting striking parallels between these contactee stories and another large body of accounts – the stories of popular folklore throughout the world. I am referring to those legends, myths and tales in virtually every culture that deal with other intelligent species in our midst – elves, fairies, sprites, demons, spirit-beasts, jinn or genies…
            The old legends of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, all refer to creatures with unusual powers, including the ability to change shapes and to vanish from sight. The tales also include accounts of abductions, whose details frequently parallel those of the contactee stories. Stripped of their traditional flavor, these old accounts are remarkably similar to the stories of “close encounters” with aliens.
            Regarding the alien contact accounts, we were left with two possibilities. Either the contactees were unconsciously relating modern versions of “fairy tales” they’d heard in their childhood, or the fairy tales were actually old renderings of real occurrences.
            We took this problem to the physicists. Was it possible, we asked, that another intelligent species could coexist on this planet, largely unseen, due to a unique ability to move back and forth between our three spatial dimensions and the other unseen dimensions that modern physics requires. The answer we received was, Yes, it is theoretically possible.
            If indeed we share the earth with another intelligent species, our next problem was, naturally enough, to locate this species. If it lived entirely in unseen dimensions or universes, this would be a serious problem. Currently, we have no way of entering or operating in higher dimensions or parallel universes, if they indeed exist. However, if the putative species lived some of the time in our three spatial dimensions or our known universe, occasionally taking refuge in the higher dimensions or alternate worlds, then our task would be somewhat easier.
            We began to inventory contemporary folklore, looking for those cultures that were most insistent at the present time about the existence of other intelligent beings. We were fairly certain that wherever the sightings were most frequent, we would have the best chance of locating the other species. We excluded our own culture, of course, having already conducted an extensive study of the “alien” phenomenon. That study had led to a dead end. While this other species certainly visits our country, it apparently does not live here – regardless of what you may have read on certain fringe websites about Area 51 and  underground bases inhabited by “Grays” and “Reptoids.”
With the help of the Internet, university databases, and a number of powerful computers, we gradually narrowed our search for clues. We have finally identified a location—a place where this elusive species could conceivably be based.
            That’s where you enter the picture, Dr. Goddard.

The lights went up. I was still staring at the last slide: a map of the Arabian Peninsula.
After a moment of heavy silence, I turned to Pollack:
“You people have overdosed on The X-Files.”

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